【Huzhou Intelligent Center】

  • Owner:Huzhou ring Taihu Group Co., Ltd.

  • Location:Huzhou China

  • Area:77,061 sqm

  • Function:Office

  • Date:2017

  • Status:Proposal

Different use nature space has its own basic form and combination mode. On the basis of following the law, different functions are sorted out and reconstructed one by one. The generation of architecture does not come from formal design, but from logical control. Different forms and spaces naturally come into being. What we do is connect properly.

The base is composed of a 60 meter high integrated research building, five 18 meter high innovative research workshops and incubators, a 20 meter high auxiliary building and a "social circle" connecting all buildings.

The building is connected with all the buildings in a vertical way, which is connected with the safety of the buildings It can meet different needs at the same time. When the space is shaped, it can be a cafeteria, scientific research exhibition, bicycle lane, etc We aim to rest, stay, talk, exercise and other activities to create spaces with different functions, different forms and sensory experiences, and all kinds of information can be freely transmitted in different fields in formal or informal ways.